Welcome to the Majestic 13th Masonic District, part of the
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
of Free & Accepted Masons of Florida
This Masonic District is made up of 6 particular Lodges, and one Memorial Lodge. Our primary purpose is to help provide a central communication point as well as being a resource for the Masons in our District. We want to assist the lodges in their mission to make more Masons. Each Particular Lodge in our district has a voice, and has it’s members vote to govern the Association.
Our Masonic District Association is presided over by a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, with a Board of Directors. Every Mason in our District is encouraged to attend and become involved in some form or fashion in the meetings and activities of our Majestic Masonic District.
Are you interested in becoming a Freemason? Click HERE for more info.
Getting Started
Every Master Mason in this District’s Jurisdiction is eligible to become a member, but only Master Masons, Lodge Officers, District Officers, and Past Masters may vote.
Dues are applicable once a year for a fee of $10.00.
Being Involved
Our district hosts special events such as:
- The District Golf Tournament
- The Outdoor Degree
- Monthly Meetings
- Open Books / School of Instruction
- Memorial Lodge Called Communication
- Education Presentations
- Grand Master Official Visit To The 13th District
About Freemasonry
We are a fraternal organization, Freemasonry unites men of good character who, though of different religious, ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind.

Learn about our Master Mason Association
This purpose and objective of this organization is to foster Masonic fellowship, and brotherly love among the members, encourage active participation in programs and projects sponsored or approved by the Grand Lodge and or any Particular Lodge or Lodges approved by the Grand Lodge.