The 7 Majestic Lodges of the 13th District.
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Our Top Leadership

R∴W∴ Glen Good
District Instructor

M∴W∴ Jeffrey S. Foster
Most Worshipful Grand Master

R∴W∴ Robert C. Sands
District Deputy Grand Master
Grand Master's Message
My Brothers,
First, I want to say how humbled and honored I am that you have elected me to serve you as Grand Master this Masonic Year.
Freemasonry has a great history in the State of Florida. In the early days before our Grand Lodge was Chartered, Freemasonry came and went in Florida a couple of times, or at least what the historians can document. I bring this up because our numbers are dwindling, and I don’t want to see our Fraternity disappear again. There are men of good morals and strong character out there that would be an asset to our Craft, but how do we reach them? We can no longer rely on the age old “wait for them to ask” because our world has changed, and we must adapt or our society will once again disappear.
I, along with the other Grand Lodge Officers, have started a new program this year to assist Lodges with using social media. We have assembled a team on the Membership Development committee to assist Lodges, and if you follow their program, we will reimburse the Lodge up to $600. If your Lodge is interested, please contact the State Chairman of Membership Development for more information.
Again, I look forward to a great upcoming year and let’s all do something great.
Fraternally yours,
M∴W∴ Jeffrey S. Foster
Grand Master
First, I want to say how humbled and honored I am that you have elected me to serve you as Grand Master this Masonic Year.
Freemasonry has a great history in the State of Florida. In the early days before our Grand Lodge was Chartered, Freemasonry came and went in Florida a couple of times, or at least what the historians can document. I bring this up because our numbers are dwindling, and I don’t want to see our Fraternity disappear again. There are men of good morals and strong character out there that would be an asset to our Craft, but how do we reach them? We can no longer rely on the age old “wait for them to ask” because our world has changed, and we must adapt or our society will once again disappear.
I, along with the other Grand Lodge Officers, have started a new program this year to assist Lodges with using social media. We have assembled a team on the Membership Development committee to assist Lodges, and if you follow their program, we will reimburse the Lodge up to $600. If your Lodge is interested, please contact the State Chairman of Membership Development for more information.
Again, I look forward to a great upcoming year and let’s all do something great.
Fraternally yours,
M∴W∴ Jeffrey S. Foster
Grand Master